1. Joy In commenting on news events, the Council of Vatican II gave
special emphasis on the value of word of approval Maria messenger of
God. Unlike what is contained in the biblical stories of similar,
clearly anticipated the approval of Mary by the angel: "The Father of
mercies willed that the Incarnation of the Word was preceded by the
approval of his party, which has been determined to be his mother. Thus,
just like old woman to death, now even women who bring life "(Lumen
Gentium, No. 56). ![More...](https://josuatarsisius.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif)
Gentium noted the contrast difference between the behavior of Eve and
Mary's behavior, as described by St. Irenaeus: "Eve was beguiled by the
words of an angel and thus escape from God after breaking his Word. In
turn, conveyed the news to Mary by the words of an angel of joy, and she
conceived of God in obedience to His Word. Eve was deceived and fall
into disobedience to God; Mary became the defender of the virgin Eve.
And as human beings subject to death by a virgin, man was freed by a
Virgin and thus offset the virgin's disobedience to compliance with the
Virgin ... "(Adv. Haer., V, 19.1).
2. In saying "yes" to the total
on the design of God, Mary is fully free in the presence of God. At the
same time, he personally felt responsible for mankind, whose future
depends on the answer.
God put the fate of all mankind in the
hands of a young woman. "Yes" Maria is the basis for the fulfillment of
the draft as prepared by God in His love for the salvation of the world.
of the Catholic Church briefly summarize solid determine the value of
the free consent of Mary in the divine plan of salvation. "Virgin Mary
with faith and obedience which is free, has worked for human safety. As a
representative of the entire human nature he uttered the word `Yes'. By
obedience she became the new Eve, the Mother of the people live. "
By her actions, Mary reminded each of us will be our responsibility
really to accept God's design for our lives. In total obedience to the
will of God's salvation as stated in the words of the angel, Mary
becomes an example to those who are called blessed by God, because "The
blessed are those who hear the word of God and who take care of them"
(Luke 11:28). Jesus, in response to a woman from the crowd who claimed
his mother as a happy, happiness Maria promulgate the real reason: his
obedience to the will of God, which led her to accept the divine
In the encyclical "Redemptoris Mater", I show that the
new spiritual motherhood, of which Jesus speaks, is primarily about
Mary. Really, "Is not Mary who were the first of those who hear the Word
of God and do it? And therefore, is not of praise spoken by Jesus to
the woman responded to the crowd at first pointed to his mother?
"Therefore, in a certain sense Mary proclaimed as the first disciple of
her Son and, by example, invite all who believe to respond the grace of
God so generously.
4. Second Vatican Council to devote themselves
to explain the total person and work of Mary in Christ: Mary "devote
himself entirely to the person as a servant of God and the work of her
Son, for below him and with him, thanks to the grace of Almighty God, to
devote themselves to the mystery of redemption" (Lumen Gentium, no.
For Mary, devote themselves to the person and work of Jesus
means intimate intimate union with her Son, maternal involvement in
maintaining and caring for his human development and cooperation in his
work of salvation.
Maria perform last aspect of devotion to Jesus
himself was "below him", ie in a condition which is lower than his,
which is the fruit of grace. However, this represents a true
collaboration, because the obstacles along with Him "and, beginning with
Joy News, the partnership involves active participation in the work of
redemption. "So it is proper," the Vatican Council II, "the views of the
holy Fathers that Mary is not merely passively used by God, but work
together in saving the human race with faith and obedience which is
free. Because, as noted by S. Irenaeus, `to obey Maria cause of
salvation for herself and for the whole of humanity '."
Bunda Maria,
Gereja Katolik,
Legio Maria,
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